Dementia Go-To Point (GTP) Locator Guide

With more than 780 Dementia Go-To Points (GTPs) in Singapore, you can now search for the nearest Dementia GTP with your CARA App*!
*Please enable Location Services when prompted, and ensure that you are using the most recent version of the ‘CARA SG’ app.
What are Dementia GTPs?
Dementia GTPs are resource centres where the general public and caregivers can get educational resources and helpful information on dementia.
Members of the public can bring persons living with dementia who may appear lost and are unable to find their way home for staff assistance there.
These are situations that you may encounter. Please click and you will be directed to the appropriate steps.

Searching for Dementia GTPs
Situation: You found a lost individual, and you are not sure what to do.
As contacting local authorities should be a last resort, you may bring the individual to the nearest Dementia GTP, where trained staff can provide assistance.
Step 01.
Sign in to your CARA app.
In the homepage, scroll down and look for “Dementia Go-To Point Locator”.

Step 06.
You may receive a pop-up that says ‘No Result’.
Not to worry, the app will show you the nearest locations from the search.
Click “OK”.
Step 07.
Scroll to see all Dementia GTPs.
Dementia GTPs are listed from nearest to furthest. Tap on the preferred Dementia GTP.
- Your current location
- Dementia GTP locations
- Multiple Dementia GTPs in the same vicinity

Step 08.
You will now see the full details of your selected Dementia GTP.
Next, click on the “Directions” button.
Spotted someone with a physical CARA card, and not sure what to do next
Situation: You come across a lost individual who has a physical CARA card.
You want to assist but can’t reach the caregiver. As contacting local authorities should be a last resort, you may now bring the individual to the nearest Dementia GTP, where trained staff can provide assistance.
Note: You can still assist in this situation even if you do not have the CARA app.
*Please enable Location Services in your mobile browser.
For iPhone Users: Go to ‘Settings‘ –> ‘Privacy & Security‘ –> ‘Location Services‘ –> Search for Safari / preferred web browser –> Set ‘While Using App and turn Precise Location button on’.
For Android Users: Go to ‘Settings‘ –> Search for web browser name (Eg. Chrome, Firefox) –> Click ‘Permissions‘ –> Click ‘Location‘ –> Toggle ‘Use Precise Location‘
Step 01.
Using your phone camera, scan the QR code on the physical CARA Card.